personal trainer

Fitness All Day Every Day; Building a Program with your Personal Trainer

Though you may invest a lot time and labor in working, you would not be alone in neglecting to put that time and labor in yourself. Fewer than 5% of adults get their recommended thirty minutes of exercise a day, and only a third of them reach the recommended amount of physical activity a week. However, many adults and seniors are taking note of this fact and seeking to make a change by investing in the best gyms and finding a personal trainer. As a professional in the field, a physical trainer can help give you the one-on-one training you need to unlock your healthiest self. However, it can be daunting to enter a personal training regimen and relationship as a beginner. Perhaps you haven’t hit the gym since college, and even though you are familiar with varieties of strength training and equipment, you still don’t know what’s right for you now. Working with your personal trainer to figure out what’s best for you is all part of the process, and the best personal trainers will know how to combine their expertise with what you identify as your health interests and needs.

Different Strength Training Options

The kids have really run with physical fitness these days. A google search of exercises can reveal thousands of varieties to lose weight, build muscle, improve flexibility, you name it. As overwhelming as it can be, having some basic understanding of different fitness strategies can help you and your personal trainer develop a program that works best for you.

Looking to build muscle? Look no further than strength training. Strength training focuses on building endurance and strength through resistance by training muscles to contract. What does this really mean? Weight lifting. A personal trainer may create a weight training exercise regimen for you, one structured to help you focus on weight lifting and dropping caloric intake. Strength training may focus primarily on building muscle mass, but weight training also allows you to burn fat at the same time. But don’t be confused! They fall under the same category of lifting heavy things and putting them back down. Following your personal trainer’s recommendation on what exercises to use, how heavy you should be lifting, and proper technique can get you to that Terminator physique in no time.

While strength training is an excellent way to feel stronger and healthier, it requires steadfast dedication. You may be in the gym six days a week for three months. But let’s be real, while gym memberships typically go month to month, many gym membership owners will make it to the gym only twice a week. Which is understandable! Your personal trainer will take your schedule into account when developing a fitness plan for you. Enter slow motion strength training. How is this different from strength training? The timeline is different, as is the exercise program. Through focused personal training, slow motion exercise can keep your workouts short and sweet, often down to 30 minute sessions a couple times a week. The catch? Each slow motion exercise is high-intensity and low-impact, focused on slowing down your repetitions to maximize the amount of resistance you put your muscles through. It’s like carrying all your groceries up three flights of stairs, but you have to go in slow motion. With your personal trainer by your side to keep you accountable, of course.

While this all may seem intimidating, the best personal trainer is one who listens to you. By articulating your concerns, your needs, and staying honest, you can develop a fitness plan that is right for you no matter what your age or ability level may be.